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BirtherWatch: Hawaii to Make "STFU Birthers" Official?

By Karl Klockars in News on Mar 17, 2010 7:20PM


Last time we checked in with the Birther movement and their constant pestering of the Hawaiian government, we said "Hopefully this is the last time we have to say this." Guess what? It's not. Despite the fact that the squawk about President Obama's birth certificate has been quadruple-checked, spread across the interwebs and generally debunked, some people still refuse to believe that the POTUS was born in the USA (and we fully expect to hear from you in the comments).

Some people in the Hawaiian government are getting good and sick of it. Officials have sponsored legislation to allow state workers to simply ignore Birther requests when they come in, which happens 10 or 20 times a week according to TalkingPointsMemo. In addition, their access to official state records would be restricted for up to 2 years. For once in our life we agree with the Republican here, that being State Rep. Cynthia Thielen, who said: "When people want to get more information, the way to fuel that fire is to say, 'We're now going to draw down a veil of secrecy.'"

Having your access restricted to government records isn't the worst thing that can happen to you should you decide to continue to push your froot-loop theories into the courts. Birthmaster Prime Orly Taitz owes our judicial system $20,000 in sanctions for filing a "frivolous" suit and for "attempting to misuse the federal courts to promote her political agenda," according to Taitz has been refusing to pay, a tactic which will no doubt get her tossed in prison and make her even more of a martyr to her acolytes.

Of course, Birthers wouldn't admit Obama might have actually been born in Hawaii if he were photographed holding a pineapple in both hands while the doctor clipped the umbilical cord as his mother spun a pig on a spit for the luau while surfing. Much like the way Truthers have pretty much went away after Bush left office, we're just going to have to wait for Obama to end his Presidency for this to finally and completely go away.