Mark Kirk Vows to Lead the Charge to Repeal Health Care Reform
By Kevin Robinson in News on Mar 23, 2010 2:00PM
The Tribune has obtained a recording of a speech Illinois Senate Candidate Mark Kirk gave to a GOP audience in Winnetka late last week where he promised to lead the fight to repeal the newly passed health care reform bill. “I’m Mark Kirk and I can’t wait to vote against the health care bill next week,” Kirk said, after saying that the GOP was on its way to making Barack Obama a "one-termer." When asked what he would do if the bill passed, Kirk told the audience member that he would lead the charge to repeal it. “There is one thing about the bill not commonly known: All of the pain of the bill is upfront and all of the gain is later. What do I mean? The bill includes 10 new federal taxes, and dramatic cuts for senior health care under Medicare between 2010 and 2014,” Kirk said. “The actual benefit of the bill doesn’t start until 2014. In between this time and then, is a presidential election. If we can win in the White House -- and we’re on the way to making this guy a one termer -- then if we move to repeal this bill in 2013, all you’re doing is removing the pain and not a single American would have benefited from it yet. And so, as your senator, I would lead the effort, if it passes, to repeal this bill.”
The Tribune called David Axelrod for comment. "The idea that what it's all about is tearing the President down so the Republican Party can win. I don't think most Illinoisans are eager to sign on to that mission, or elect a Senator whose priority is to thwart the President at every turn," Axelrod said, noting that he was from the land of Lincoln.