Daley Supports Plan To Cut Public Shows From Arie Crown Theater
By Anna Deem in News on Mar 28, 2010 6:30PM
On Saturday, Mayor Daley spoke at an event on the Southwest Side about his lack of disappointment with the decision of the Arie Crown Theater choosing to temporarily cut public shows in September, touching on the issue that the venue--situated in McCormick Place--has been losing money for a long time. "They're losing an enormous amount of money there. That's why they're closing it temporarily," said Daley, as quoted in the Chicago Sun-Times. "They've been delaying the decision for years."
Although the theater still plans on hosting private events for trade shows or meetings, they are getting rid of all public shows for two years in hopes of cutting expenses at the Lakeside Center, the hall where the Arie Crown resides. Even trade shows aren't bringing in the money though, as The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority that owns and operates McCormick Place has realized as they've been attempting to cut costs. Daley mentioned in his speech that the entire building--which costs $10.6 million a year to operate--is only used about eight times a year. In the past, Daley has referred to the building as a "Berlin Wall," saying that it ruins the lakefront skyline.