Please Do Not Poop On Your Parking Tickets
By Marcus Gilmer in Miscellaneous on Apr 21, 2010 8:20PM
Say what you will about that parking or speeding ticket you receive. Rail at "the man" about the unfairness of being given an expensive ticket Red Light ticket even though it was your ex-boyfriend driving the car. Challenge the ticket in court. Hire a lawyer if you're so enthused. But please, for the love of all that is good and holy, do not poop or wipe your poopy butt with that ticket. This is a simple lesson in etiquette, one that should be easy to handle for most people who have evolved. But it seems at least one man thinks doing so is a proper form of protest. Alexander J. Bailey received a parking ticket in Bartlett and allegedly decided to show his disgust by wiping poop on the ticket and mailing it back to the village. Even better, there was a note written on the ticket telling the unlucky recipient about what he had done. Bailey, who lives in Medinah, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. He's out on $500 bail but will back in court later in June.