Evanston Mulls Camera Bandwagon
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Apr 26, 2010 9:40PM
Evanston may soon follow Chicago's lead and begin adding surveillance cameras to help fight crime. The city received federal funding from the U.S. Department of Justice Technology and the Evanston City Council will consider a deal to install 15 cameras around town at tonight's meeting. The deal, worth $341,000, would be with Downers Grove-based Current Technologies. According to CBS 2, the locations under consideration are:
Church Street and Maple Avenue; the 1900 block of Jackson Avenue; Ridge Avenue and Howard Street; Church and Benson Avenue; Custer Avenue and Howard; Dodge Avenue and Lyons Street; Sherman Avenue and Davis Street (Fountain Square Plaza); Lake Street and Chicago Avenue (Raymond Park); Church and Sherman; Clark Street and Sherman; Sherman and Grove Street; Custer and Brummel Street; Maple Avenue and Clark; Dodge and Emerson Street; and Chicago and Church.
The city explored such a move in the past but ran into stiff opposition from residents.