Lincoln Park Zoo Sends Newly Born Wolves Back To Wild
By Anna Deem in News on May 1, 2010 5:45PM
On April 17, two red wolf pups were born at Lincoln Park Zoo and as of this Friday, they are on their way to North Carolina to be released back into a wild habitat to help give their endangered species a better chance of surviving. The pups will be introduced into a den of wild adult wolves that are currently raising another litter of pups. Sort of like adoption, but you know, with wild animals.
"They got on a United flight with their keeper and a little carrier," a zoo spokeswoman said to the Chicago Sun-Times. "It goes right under the seat. They're very small." Last year, Lincoln Park Zoo also made another effort to reunite four pups born at the zoo back with the wild. "Wild mothers have readily accepted the pups when they are placed in the den when the pups are this young," said Arthur Beyer of the Fish and Wildlife Service told the Sun-Times.