Tuesday Morning Moment: Another Banksy?
By Marcus Gilmer in Arts & Entertainment on May 11, 2010 2:00PM
Yesterday, we brought you photos of the first confirmed Chicago work by famous graffiti artist Banksy. In the comments section, reader "dankru" posted a link to the above photo that was taken at location around the Loop last week. There's no "official" confirmation that it is, indeed, another Banksy work, but rats are a common Bansky calling card while this specific rat is the same one that's being used in conjunction with the Banksy-centric documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and its promotional posters. It's also identical to a work Banksy has posted on his site. We're 99 percent certain it's his, but If it's not an official Banksy work, it's a damn good rip-off. Here's another angle of it by frequent Chicagoist Flickr contributor TEFennell4.