Movies In The Park Series Returns For Another Summer
By Michele Lenni in Arts & Entertainment on May 27, 2010 6:00PM
Yeah, we’re still pretty bummed that Grant Park is no longer featuring its well-loved Chicago Outdoor Film series this year, but fear not. The Chicago Park District is offering over 50 opportunities across Chicago to pull out your lawn chair, break out the wine and cheese, and watch the classics outdoors.
The Movies In The Park series makes its triumphant return for the tenth year in a row starting June 18 and running through September 10 with a staggering selection of almost 170 titles (pdf). There is something for everyone with films like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. : The Extra Terrestrial, The Never Ending Story [Ed's Note: YES!!!! - M.G.] and The Wedding Singer just to name a few.
Oh yeah, and pets are welcome for the August 2 screening of Hotel for Dogs at Chippewa Park. So bring the pooch, the (well-hidden) hooch and relax for a free evening out with friends.