Klan-timidation Finds Its Way To Justice
By Karl Klockars in News on Jun 9, 2010 8:20PM
While most activity of the Ku Klux Klan has been relegated to the files of history and the occasional flareup south of the Mason Dixon line, it seems that someone in nearby southwest suburban Justice has been taking that style of intimidation and putting it to a more local use. A number of racially motivated incidents have been taking place around a mobile home community called Sterling Heights, with Klan flyers and nighttime terrorizing. CBS2 reports that in March and April, an unnamed family who had recently relocated to Justice from Englewood were on the recieving end of the worst of the Klan-branded flyering, and overnight abuse:
The worst happened a couple of months ago when someone started banging on her window in the middle of the night. "They kept saying, 'N***** we want you out,'" she said. They didn't come in, but she says they opened the door."For me to be sitting in that house by myself, with my child, and someone just invaded my privacy, just come through the door like that, it was scary," said the woman. She says she's not the only victim of racial threats. A few days before her incident, another neighbor found a KKK flyer on her windshield.
Officials also reported that both a white and black resident recieved a flyer taped to their windows, and a black female pedestrian was approached by four men apparently in their 30's who hollered racial slurs at her. Police believe that an arrest made recently has nipped the behavior in the bud, since after a burglary suspect was taken into custody the activity has stopped. The suspect was familiar with the flyers and claimed they weren't meant as actual Klan material but just to harass people (at least he didn't call it "yard art"). Charming.
If it should pop back up in the near future, maybe they should look into contacting Superman. He's got a solid track record of taking care of Klan activity.