County Board Lets Towns 'Opt Out' Of Red Light Cameras
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jun 15, 2010 9:20PM
After the suburbs raised holy hell about a new red light camera ordinance the Cook County Board passed last week, the Board is now backing down on the new ordinance. The Parking Ticket Geek reports that the Board voted 9-4 (with three presents and one absence) to allow the municipalities to opt out of having the red light cameras placed at intersections. Schaumburg, Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Wilmette, and Bartlett were among the 'burbs who were none-too-pleased about the ordinance. Commissioner Tony Periaca, who voted against the original ordinance, said, “It’s an overreach and an encroachment on their sovereignty and sets a dangerous precedence. It’s a way to separate taxpayers from their money. It’s not about safety it’s about revenue.” Commisioner Patricia Murphy, who voted present, didn't exactly rebut Peraica when she expressed concern over that revenue: “If they opt out in great numbers how does it effect our budget. I’m worried what this means to the budget if municipalities choose to opt out. If they opt out you’re not going to have anything left."