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Chicagoist Podcast 6/16 - Ryan Manno, Potential Blago Juror

By Karl Klockars in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 16, 2010 5:20PM

"You see, Judge Zagel, when we were saying he's a total idiot, we really meant...oh, forget it."
In this mid-week entry to the Chicagoist Podcast Series, while the rest of the press danced around identifying former Q101 jock Ryan Manno and current JBTV host as a potential juror for the Blagojevich trial, we go right ahead and get his ass on the phone. We talk about the jury process, about being just feet away from our former Governor and discussing radio bits about him with the judge, and about the press's reaction in the wake of his courtroom experience. And what the hell do you wear when you're going face to face with the Federal courts? And all this happened in one day's work.

To listen, just click play: Ryan Manno, Ex-Blago Juror

Recently: Adam Carolla & Chris Hardwick (6/7)
Related: Scott Raab, Esquire's Blago Profile (1/15)

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