Chapterhouse Defeats Eyjafjallajoekull!
By Jon Graef in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 25, 2010 6:20PM
Hey, remember Eyjafjallajoekull? The volcano in Iceland that erupted, causing an ash cloud that put a severe damper on European fly-zones? Well, now that all the dust has quite literally settled, underrated English shoegazers Chapterhouse have rescheduled their postponed North American tour, including their Chicago stop at Lincoln Hall originally planned for May, according to an update on their MySpace blog.
The show has been rescheduled for October 1 at the same venue, and previously purchased tickets will be honored. The band expressed contrition by apologizing to, “anyone that was inconvenienced by this volcanic nonsense” and said they were “looking forward to seeing you all at the new shows.” Likewise, our navelgazing friends from across the pond!