Afternoon Timekiller: Caption This President!
By Karl Klockars in Miscellaneous on Jul 2, 2010 6:00PM
Because you weren't doing anything at work this afternoon anyways, try your hand at captioning this shot from the White House Photostream. Taken at Tacky Jacks, President Obama is refreshing his palate with an iced tea during his 4th trip to the Gulf of Mexico to assess the BP oil spill situation.
Here's a couple off the top of our heads to get you going:
- "Now THIS I can suck up with a straw!"
- "I don't think this is the Long Island Iced Tea I ordered. Gonna kick Hayward's ass harder now."
- "New stimulus thought: Scrub a pelican, earn a tasty beverage."
- "I shouldn't have told that woman, 'Take a picture, it'll last longer.'"
- "A There Will Be Blood reference would probably be tacky, amiright, ladies?"