Jay Stone Is Running for Mayor
By Kevin Robinson in News on Aug 3, 2010 2:00PM
With the mayoral race still a ways off and MayDay playing coy about whether he'll run for re-election, one local candidate has thrown his hat into the ring: Jay Stone. Born and raised on the mean streets of the city's far North side, Stone, who practices as a clinical hypnotherapist, is no stranger to Chicago politics. Jay Stone has run for office in Chicago before; in 2003 he challenged 32nd Ward Alderman Ted Matlak (who would later lose to Scott Waguespack). According to WBEZ, while he fell short in that bid, he was awarded " a $75,000 settlement from the city, after an independent monitor found that city workers helped defeat him." He's also the son of Bernie Stone, Alderman of Chicago's 50th Ward, in West Rogers Park. Claims his website: "Stone is often asked why he is so politically different from his father, Vice Mayor and Alderman Bernard L. Stone (50th). Jay Stone answers that his political beliefs were shaped by the 1960s civil rights and anti-Vietnam War movements. Stone reports that he chose his political heroes and philosophy before his father was first elected to office in 1973."
Whether Daley runs for re-election or not, Jay Stone will be taking on City Hall in the name of the People: “It’s my patriotic duty to run. I’m fighting to re-establish the democracy that Daley stole from the people of Chicago. If American soldiers can fight for democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq for years on end, I can fight for democracy in Chicago and endure a seventh-month campaign for mayor.” More than platitudes, Stone is running on a platform of transparency in government, campaign contribution limits, and parking meter reform.