The Chicagoist will be launching later but in the meantime please enjoy our archives.

Extra Extra

By Staff in News on Aug 6, 2010 10:00PM

Photo by john sadowskiii

Sorry it's been quiet here the past 90 minutes. It's just too beautiful a day to be stuck inside. After we finish this, we're going to shut things down and enjoy the afternoon and evening with you.

  • The Tribune's John McCarron puts to paper what we've all asked over the years: when will Deep Tunnel be completed? [Tribune]
  • Grub Street Chicago's Nick Kindelsperger as some amazing shots of last night's Speakeasy throwback at the Palmer House. [Grub Street Chicago]
  • Martha Bayne checks in on an art project that walks the fine line between food and commerce. [Reader]
  • a 17-year-old boy was charged this morning with trying to enter a CTA train through an emergency exit. [Sun-Times]
  • So now city lawyers are acknowledging that the sale of the parking meters was a sale of public property? Maybe we should have less city lawyers. [Chicago News Co-Op]
  • Chicago's bond rating one step closer to banana republic status. [Crain's]
  • A wonderful story on the career of radio legend Clark Weber. [Metafilter, via]