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School Supply Sales Tax Holiday Kicks Off

By Marcus Gilmer in News on Aug 6, 2010 3:40PM

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Beginning today and running through next Sunday, August 15, Illinoisians shopping for school supplies will enjoy a sales tax holiday which waives the five percent state sales tax on eligible items. Of course, you're probably wondering what constitutes school supplies. The state has done their best to hone it down, releasing this list [PDF] that differentiates what's eligible (compasses, glue sticks, lunch boxes) and what's not (computers, paper lunch bags, duct tape). Trappers are also listed as eligible, which we assume includes Obama-riding-a-unicorn-emblazoned Trapper Keepers and that makes me pretty happy. And even if you aren't buying the eligible supplies for kids heading back to school, you'll still get the tax break so it's a good time to stock up on protractors.

Not that everybody (read: state GOP) is thrilled with the holiday. State Rep. Jim Watson, R-Jacksonville said, "This just doesn't make a lot of sense at a time when we're making cuts. It's a distraction from finding substantive, long-term solutions. You make people feel good for 10 days, but then it's back to reality." Indeed, walking around the city with out important paper work stashed in those new trapper keepers will make us feel pretty good.