10With: Ina Pinkney, Breakfast Queen, Potential (Interim) Senator
By Karl Klockars in Food on Sep 15, 2010 3:00PM
Ina Pinkney wants to be your next Senator. For two months. Then she'll be happy to hand the seat over to whichever of the Lesser of Two Evils eventually wins. But between early November and the Senatorial inauguration, she wants her business card to read "interim Senator from Illinois" as opposed to "Breakfast Queen."
But why exactly would you expend any effort for just two months in Washington? Won't you just be a place-filler? What can you even accomplish in that short of time, knowing how much gridlock exists with the full-time Senators and a Christmas break? Or is it really just about extending a middle finger to the two-party system on the whole? Yesterday we covered some of these, and today we finish another 10With Ina Pinkney.
To listen, just press play: Ina Pinkney Wants To Be Your Senator (For 2 Months)
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