The Screw It Zone: Stroger's Fancy Gifts
By aaroncynic in News on Sep 17, 2010 3:40PM
Todd Stroger, baller, shot-caller; photo via Stroger's Facebook page In addition to
giving jobs to friends, Todd Stroger is now also giving them furniture.
According to the Sun Times, the Stroger administration blew $13,000 on new furniture for childhood pal Eugene Mullins. Mullins, Stroger’s chief spokesman, denied the price tag, but then said he didn’t know how much it cost and denied the Sun Times entry to his office to photograph the desk and chairs. While Todd might not have the receipts, the company he purchased the items from does. Scott Freeman, owner of Simple Distributors, said the order was taken over the phone and delivered in February. The company still hasn’t seen payment. Stroger
appeared this morning on "The Don & Roma Show" on WLS-890 AM this morning in which he: said he won't run for mayor; speculated on Rahm & Jesse Jackson Jr.'s meeting; and called the furniture issue a non-story.
In addition to fancy furniture, the Stroger administration also shelled out federal cash for a private picnic for Cook County flood victims this week. ABC 7 reports flood victims who applied for a Cook County disaster grant were given a day at the Brookfield Zoo as a way of saying “sorry for the long wait for your relief money.” Cook County disaster grant program director Barry Croall, who reports to Stroger told attendees “Nothing happens in the county, in the state, or the federal government fast enough for anyone's liking, yours or ours.”
Nothing, indeed.