Possible End For Whittier Sit-In?
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Sep 21, 2010 4:20PM
The sit-in by parents and students at Pilsen's Whittier Elementary School is in its seventh day now but a resolution could soon be at hand. Ald. Danny Solis (25th) and his chief-of-staff are in the midst of arranging a meeting between the parents and CPS CEO Ron Huberman to discuss the plans for the fieldhouse, which is at the center of the controversy. The CPS planned to use more than $300,000 of $1.5 million in TIF money set aside for the school to level the fieldhouse and put in a soccer field but parents want the field house to be renovated into a library; the CPS insists the building is structurally unsound. Meanwhile, WBEZ Revision Street's Anne Elizabeth Moore talks to Evelin Santos, a 23-year-old DePaul student who's currently involved in the sit-in as a support member for the parents.