One in Five Illinois Residents is a Tea Party Member
By Soyoung Kwak in Miscellaneous on Sep 26, 2010 5:45PM
A new poll by the Rasmussen Report indicates that 1 in 5 Illinois residents is a member of the Tea Party. The conclusion is drawn from a poll of 750 "likely" Illinois voters in the midterm elections, and the result could be of concern to Democrats - the poll represents the growing support for conservative-edged viewpoints within the state. In addition, most of the people polled in the report believe that the Tea Party Movement is good for the country.
Further, the Huffington Post warns of the possibility of Republicans taking over come this fall: "These strong numbers for the Tea Party in Illinois go a long way toward explaining how a recently solid-blue state could elect two Republicans in its biggest races. Mark Kirk is neck-and-neck with Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in the U.S. Senate campaign, and Bill Brady has a solid lead over incumbent Governor Pat Quinn."
Lukewarm Democratic candidates and political hoopla aside, you're saying that a good majority of Illinois residents believe that this Tea Party Movement is good for the country? Really?