Romance On The CTA?
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Oct 1, 2010 2:40PM
We'll be honest: we have a hard time getting into any sort of romantic mood at any of the CTA stops across town, even the recently renovated Belmont stop. But according to one report, the Belmont stop is where all the action's at, if you're going by Craigslist's Missed Connection ads, that is. Craigslist did a study of the train lines using a scale called the Train Romance Index Score Total aka TRIST (we see what they did there) and the Red Line came out the winner with the most missed connections and Belmont as the most popular stop. Second place overall went to the Brown Line with the Blue Line coming in third. The least romantic train line according to the formula? The Pink Line. As for individual stations, after Belmont comes the Addison Red Line (full of drunk, amorous Cubs fans?), California Pink Line, the Linden Purple Line (Northwestern students?), and the other North Side mega-stop, the Fullerton Station.
It's funny because I just recently posted a Missed Connections ad myself about the Red Line the other day:
Missing You... - m4w (North Side)
Me: fun-loving blogger and CTA frequenter, brown hair with a bit of gray, black glasses, t-shirt, jeans, iPod.
You: Red Line train car with clean seats, functioning doors, and didn't smell like piss.
We had a deep connection and I yearn to see you again.
Please, if you read this, respond.