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Brady OK With School Districts Teaching Creationism

By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 7, 2010 1:30PM

GOP Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady and his running mate for Lieutenant Governor, Jason Plummer, sat down with the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board Tuesday on a far ranging interview that touched upon many subjects. Among them, Brady said that he would not stand in the way of public school districts amending curricula so that Creationism could be taught in schools. Brady explained his stance by straddling the issue like a lifelong politician. "My knowledge and my faith leads me to believe in both evolution and creationism,” he said. “I believe God created the earth, and it evolved."

As Ramsin Canon notes over at Gapers Block, "If you accept the theory of evolution, then you would absolutely find it impossible to allow school districts to 'teach' creationism in schools." The one thing worse than Brady trying to pull a Pontius Pilate and say, "Let the school districts sort it out" is his attempt to have it both ways in his explanation. That is the epitome of asinine politicalspeak.

You don't know how close we are to being Kansas, people.