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Extra Extra

By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 7, 2010 10:30PM

  • Pulitzer Prize winner Leonard Pitts is not a fan of "citizen journalism. To quote Mr. Pitts, "Cry me a river." [Tribune]
  • Jim DeRogatis crunches more numbers in the wake of his Lollapalooza article. [DeRogatis/Vocalo]
  • Former Todd Stroger aide Carla Oglesby was released from jail today on $25,000 bail. That number seems ironic. [Chicago Breaking News]
  • Ariel Investments LLC President Mellody Hobson will be raising money for Rahm Emanuel's mayoral bid. Expect a lot of tv commercials from Rahmbo. [Crain's]
  • the New York Mets will interview White Sox Assistant GM Rick Hahn for their vacant GM position. [ESPN Chicago]
  • In the 1920's, three out of four doctors recommended eating mince meat pie for health. [Reader]