Latest Polls Show Close Race In State Gubernatorial and Senate Elections
By aaroncynic in News on Oct 26, 2010 6:20PM
We’re now heading into the home stretch in election season and both the gubernatorial and senate elections are tight races, according to polls released by the Tribune. Republicans Mark Kirk and Bill Brady both lead their respective races, but by thin margins. Kirk holds a 3 percent lead over Giannoulias (44% to 41%) while Brady has a 4 point lead over Quinn (43% to 39%).
While Illinois Republicans may believe they have an edge in both heated contests and even though we’re only a week away from election day, it’s still too difficult to tell which way voters may swing. Both polls had a 3.7 percent margin of error and nearly 7 percent of voters surveyed remain undecided. Even though the GOP wants to believe a big victory is “sewn up” and Dems think they’ll hold on to their majority, things in Illinois are still anyone’s game.