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Extra Extra

By Chuck Sudo in News on Dec 6, 2010 11:00PM

  • Legendary radio executive William O'Donnell, father of actor Chris O'Donnell, passed away. [RBR, via Feder]
  • Consumer Reports ranks AT&T as the worst wireless carrier. [Chicago Breaking Business]
  • The Sun-Times website redesign is an improvement, but they can still do better. [Sun-Times]
  • An autopsy has been postponed on the first cold-related death of the season. [Chicago Breaking News]
  • Harpo Studios has no new shows to replace Oprah. [Crain's Chicago Business]
  • Whitney Young students turn used fry oil into biodiesel. [Chicago Journal]
  • A rarely used CHA policy could force a family out of their home. [Chicago Defender]