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Extra Extra

By Chuck Sudo in News on Dec 10, 2010 11:00PM

  • Due to a computer issue, voting on the city sticker contest has been extended until Monday. [The Expired Meter]
  • Tens of thousands of people across the country promised to wear "Star Wars"-themed gear and clothing in support of 7-year-old Katie Goldman of Evanston, whose story of being bulled for being a "Star Wars" fan made national headlines. [Portrait of an Adoption/Chicago Now]
  • Dmitry Samarov is back, this time with sketches from Kurt Weill night at the Viaduct theater. [Extinction Blues]
  • Soldier Field GM, in response to Jay Cutler's assessment of the home turf being the worst in the NFL: "He's wrong." We're siding with Cutler. [Sun-Times]
  • Gov. Quinn signed an executive order allowing the state to capture $2 million in federal funding to restore land and harbors around Lake Michigan [Chicago Breaking News]
  • Freshmen congressmen Robert Dold, Aaron Schock and Adam Kinzinger all score House committee posts. [Crain's Chicago Business]

If we haven't said it, thank you, readers, for sticking with us through today's technical issues. We hope we made this afternoon worth your while. Come back tomorrow.