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"This Baby Gets Four Lokos To The Gallon."

By Karl Klockars in Miscellaneous on Jan 7, 2011 7:20PM

2010_11_Four_Loko.jpg Be forewarned: That's not a Tiger in Your Tank.

Ever wonder what became of those pallets of Four Loko (made by Chicago-based Phusion Projects) left in the beer coolers of Chicago and college towns? After the FDA thought of the children and sent out warning notices about booze/caffeine drinks, Phusion cut the caffeine and discontinued the amped-up Loko. What to do with those nuclear-neon cans of Go Juice that didn't get sold in The Great Loko Rush of 2K10?

Answer: ethanol.

The Associate Press reports that caffeinated alcoholic beverages are being sent to MXI Environmental Services in Virginia to be transformed into ethanol, the cans recycled, the water in the drinks recirculated and the cardboard shipping containers reused as well. Thousands of cans are being shipped daily to MXI, which has a contract to take back and reformulate all unused Lokos.

So basically, they pulled a product that keeps people going, and are turning it into a product that keeps things going. And so, the circle of life is complete. Requiescant in pace, Loko.