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Quinn Sworn In: "Today Is Our Giant Hour"

By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 10, 2011 7:40PM

Quoting Gwendolyn Brooks and saying that honesty and integrity have been restored to his office, Gov. Quinn was sworn in today for his first full term amid increased security in the wake of Saturday's shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. “Today is our giant hour," Quinn said, echoing the late Chicago poet Brooks, "and nothing less than gianthood will do for all of us in Illinois to confront our awesome challenges.”

Quinn called for unity during his 30-minute address and, according to the Tribune's Clout Street blog, appeared to be working from an outline as opposed to a prepared speech. Quinn laos referenced the scandal-plagued tenure of his predecessor, Rod Blagojevich, in the address.

“We have replaced a government of deals with a government of ideals, and I believe that that … must be our principle every day that we are alive.

“I believe in idealism, in reaching for the stars, in having a vision, in believing in everyday people’s ability to make that vision a reality,” Quinn said. “ And it’s so important that we, at all times, maintain openness and honesty in our government."

Quinn also said that the state must work to pay its bills and balance the budget, although he stayed tight-lipped about the proposed income tax hike.