Tom Hanks' Son, The Frat Rapper
By Rob Christopher in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 13, 2011 4:00PM
They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But if that's the case, why haven't we seen Tom Hanks in parachute pants lately?
Tom Hanks has four children. His son Colin is an actor of some repute; another, Chet, attends Northwestern. By day, that is. By night he transforms into Chet Haze, "an up and coming MC...Born and raised on the West Side of the Westside's main city LA." The frat rapper has just dropped his first single, an NU-themed track called "White & Purple (Northwestern Remix)." Gawker has helpfully transcribed some of the lyrics for us: "White kicks/ Purple kush/ This is college, hittin' blunts after hittin' books/ I got a call from the brothers in the frat house/ I'm with my girl, tryin' to get up under that blouse/ She a freshman/ She a freak though/ In the bed, but a lady in the street, yo."
Hanks already has a manager, a fellow alum in the School of Continuing Studies. In an interview with The Daily Northwestern, he admits to liking Buffalo Joe's. Paging Eminem, white courtesy telephone please. Check out the dude's Facebook page and you can groove along right in your chair.