Bubba Endorses the Countdown to Rahmageddon
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 18, 2011 7:28PM
Even though Rahm Emanuel probably didn't need Bill Clinton's endorsement for his mayoral campaign, he got it all the same today. When you have an ace in your hand, you play the ace.
And play it, Emanuel did. In giving his endorsement to Emanuel, Clinton took the time to get a pound of flesh from opponents and former opponents who've tried to paint Emanuel as a Washington outsider, and warned Clinton against endorsing his former advisor.
“We all knew where his heart was,” Clinton said of Emanuel’s love for Chicago while serving his presidential administration. “But we were glad to have his mind.”
Clinton endorsed Emanuel during a private fundraiser at the Cultural Center that netted another $250,000 for his campaign. In offering his endorsement, Clinton played to the crowd a bit, saying Chicago was "critical" to the nation's future and "needs a big person for the job" for mayor.