New Rockie Fresh Video Figuratively AND Literally Lights Up
By Jon Graef in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 20, 2011 6:20PM
A little over a month after its release, 19-year-old rapper Rockie Fresh’s second mixtape, The Otherside, is still surprising us with its sonic, if not necessarily lyrical, depth. For a mixtape, Otherside is impressively produced, with lush, ominous synth textures creating a dense and haunting atmosphere. But don’t be entirely mistaken: This is a rap record, and there are jams on it. Enter “Living,” which features Kidz In The Hall’s Naledge and DC emcee Phil Ade. The video for this tune was released last week, and, like Rockie, it’s definitely one to watch.
Filmed at a sold-out show at Reggie’s, “Living” shows Rockie Fresh doing exactly that, backstage at the South Side club. The video, directed by Davy Greenberg, captures some great shots of Rockie lighting it up for Reggie’s crowd. In the first minute of the video, the camera captures Rockie and company lighting up something else. Spoiler alert: It’s probably the sticky icky. No matter! The easygoing beat and the bittersweet, glissando strings make “Living” a standout cut on a mixtape fill of them, and the video reflects that vibe to a T. Watch it below: