Elsewhere in the 'ist-a-verse
By Staff in Miscellaneous on Jan 23, 2011 10:00PM
- DCist announced the winners of its 2011 Exposed Photography Show, got incredibly excited for the weekend’s reunion of local indie-rock heroes The Dismemberment Plan and began dealing with the onslaught of House Republican legislation which would serve to further undermine the District’s autonomy.
- Shanghaiist was awestruck by a Chinese farmer that catches ping pong balls with chopsticks.
- Chicagoist tried to offer its readers some perspective regarding the recent hike in the state income tax. Maybe the founder of Jimmy John’s Sandwiches should have read that before announcing he already filed for residency in Florida and was considering moving his headquarters out of state. There was plenty of time to read the site, since Chicago’s commute was deemed the worst in the country.
- LAist cultivated their green thumbs with the launch of their Garden Plotting series, and got some tips on what to plant this year from the woman behind GardeningNude.com.
- Bostonist has a message for Mother Nature: You can give us all the snow you've got and we will still thrive because we still have beer. There may be one exception and that's the guy who wanted to blow up snow with bombs. In other Hub news: Tom Brady had successful foot surgery; Steven Tyler rocked "American Idol" with a surprisingly refreshing drug-addled, dirty old man perspective; we mourned Sargent Shriver and honored his service to the country.
- Seattlest debunks some Pacific Northwest stereotypes in new show Portlandia, marveled at a local company's new machine that can fill 56 beers in one minute and made good on our wager with Chicagoist over last weekend's Bears-Seahawks game.
- Gothamist found out that bicyclists running a red light in Central Park get fined $270, the subway is making us sick and this is what a mobster nicknamed “Fatty" looks like.
- SFist reported on a local college radio station's format change.