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Non-Profit Group Asks Blago to Talk to Kids About Politics

By Chuck Sudo in News on Mar 1, 2011 2:30PM

Photo illustration by Matt Motyka
Now this is f*cking golden. Junior State of America, a non-profit group whose mission is to teach kids civics and leadership, has invited Rod Blagojevich to deliver a keynote speech to 500 high school students during their convention in Oak Brook in April. JSA spokeswoman Lindsey Bowen said the invitation was extended to former Governor Sound Bite because "he can give his perspective on the ins and outs of government."

The theme of the convention is "Revolutionizing Democracy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." If one's definition of "revolutionizing democracy" includes blatant pandering to specific voting blocs, switching into campaign mode at the mere sight of a camera, and allegedly seeking to sell a United States Senate vacancy to the highest bidder, then JSA chose wisely. On a serious note, Blagojevich, if he isn't trying to spin these kids and speaks honestly, probably could teach them a thing or three.

But that's a big if. There's only one thing Blagojevich is good at, and that's being a politician.

Bowen told the Sun-Times that the students participating in the convention will put Blago through the wringer, asking him questions about the Senate seat scandal. We would personally love to see Mikva Challenge students grill Blagojevich. He'd probably have a "you can't handle the truth" moment.