Christie Calls Pat Quinn a "Disaster"
By Soyoung Kwak in Miscellaneous on Mar 5, 2011 8:00PM
After making a big fuss over coming to Illinois to talk to businesses and to try to get them to relocate to the Garden State, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has indicated that the war between him and Pat Quinn isn't quite over.
The whole spat between the two governors began when Christie and his band of political brothers in New Jersey started talking about coming through the Land of Lincoln to lure our businesses away. Dismissing those who said that Christie's actions were a big publicity stunt, Christie told everyone he was being serious and that the income tax increase in Illinois was the main reason why businesses in Illinois deserved to relocate to beautiful, tax-free New Jersey.
Last time we checked, not a whole lot of businesses in Illinois have packed up their bags with fervent anticipation and desire to move to New Jersey. Perhaps out of frustration or just plain meanness, Christie recently said that he wasn't afraid of businesses in New Jersey leaving for Illinois because Pat Quinn is "a disaster":
"Let me tell you something: We won't lose any business to Illinois as long as Pat Quinn's the governor," Christie, a Republican, said during a news conference Thursday. "He's a disaster."
What has Pat Quinn have to say about all of this? Nothing, really:
Quinn spokeswoman Brie Callahan said Quinn has more important things to do than worry about Christie. "Instead of making personal attacks on other governors, Gov. Quinn is focused on getting our state's fiscal house in order and continuing to make Illinois an even stronger economic competitor," she said.
Well played, governor.