Police Board Asks Superintendent Candidates How They Would Improve Morale
By Chuck Sudo in News on Mar 17, 2011 4:20PM
With all the bitching and moaning by the Police Department rank and file about how morale has tanked under Jody Weis, one would think that the department would be better off looking for a good therapist to help them work out their issues instead of Weis's replacement. The Police Board that's charged with conducting the search for a new superintendent
only so Mayor-elect Emanuel can select Charles Ramsey anyway began their search yesterday by asking applicants for the top cop job how they would improve morale in the department.
Applicants have been given four essay questions to answer.Three of them are similar to the ones they posed in the 2007 search that ultimately led to Mayor Daley ignoring the board's recommendations and hiring Weis anyway. The question about morale was added because of the complaints about how it's gone south under Weis, according to Police Board President Demetrius Casey.
Emanuel has publicly stated that he would follow the process in place to choose a new superintendent, but is also conducting his own independent interviews and plans to offer his suggestions to the Board. That is, once they can shake off their case of the Mondays.