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Extra Extra

By Chuck Sudo in News on Mar 23, 2011 10:30PM

  • Snow is in the forecast for the rest of the week. [Sun-Times]
  • Why won't Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez speak with Carol Marin about the David Koschman case? [Sun-Times]
  • Political action committee For A Better Chicago can keep its donor lists private. [Chicago News Co-Op]
  • Cubs owner Tom Ricketts met with Mayor-elect Emanuel about rehabbing Wrigley Field. [Greg Hinz/Crain's]
  • Following up with the "McRunner" post-Los Angeles Marathon. [NBC Chicago]
  • KISS played a concert at Fremd High School in 1975. Rush opened. [Damage Incorporated]
  • Meet new White Sox organist Lori Moreland. [Tribune]
  • Serious Eats Slice blog put together an interactive map of all the local pizzerias Daniel Zemans has chronicled for the blog. [Slice]