Love and Marriage and Politics in Cicero
By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 13, 2011 9:08PM
Elizabeth Dominick was director of the suburb's Health Department. We type "was" because Elizabeth Dominick tendered her resignation from the department yesterday, saying her salary was too low and her boss, Cicero Town President Larry Dominick her husband wouldn't giver her a raise.
Elizabeth Dominick told the Tribune, "My husband said it would look bad if he gave me a raise." Really? Cicero government is dotted with relatives of Dominick's on the payroll. Hiring kinfolk in Cicero is not only expected, it seems to be encouraged. On the way out the door, Elizabeth Dominick didn't mince words, saying, "I work my butt off but some people in this town don't even show up to work." We wonder if Larry Dominick is sleeping with one eye open right now?