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Today's Weather: The Clouds Remain

By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 20, 2011 12:30PM

Between the Brown Line disruption and the thunderstorm that had our hard-of-hearing dog running for cover in the bathtub (where we found her after returning home from the Food Truck Summit), we're taking a mulligan for yesterday. You should do the same. The trains and buses appear to be running as well as CTA can get them to run right now. Yesterday's weather, according to Skilling Central, brought the area the coldest temperatures for this time of year in 71 years and forcing airlines to cancel 450 flights at O'Hare. The mercury is supposed to bounce back a bit today, but not by much. We're only expecting a high of 46. Some freezing rain may hit the far north and northwest sides early. Then the winds will shift to the west and die down into the evening. It's the kind of weather that builds character.