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Who's Playing Lolla? Find Out Tonight

By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Apr 25, 2011 7:00PM

Lolla20_thumb.jpg Speculation has been brewing and tonight the wait is over for those anxious to see who is playing Lollapalooza this year. We're told fest founding father Perry Farrell himself will be at Debonair this evening to make the announcement at the kick0off event at the Rehab dance party, Wicker Park's most popular Monday night excuse to go dancing. We attended last year's soiree so we can certainly recommend this as a good time worth having, though you probably want to get there earlier rather than later since the place is going to get pretty packed.

RSVP for free entry all evening.
Can't make it? All RSVPs will also get an email at midnight with the full line-up so you can still be among the first to know. So far, based on murmurings and leaks we've seen, we admit that this year's Lollapalooza has yet to really ignite excitement in us, but maybe that'll all change at midnight?

Tonight, April 25, at Debonair, 1575 N Milwaukee, 10 p.m., FREE with RSVP, 21+