Alvarez Blocks County IG Probe in Koschman Case
By Chuck Sudo in News on May 5, 2011 2:09PM
Image Credit - Glenn Kaupert
To hear Alvarez's press secretary Sally Daly put it, there is no investigation because Blanchard hasn't put a formal request for one in writing yet.
“We have not received any official communication from the Cook County inspector general regarding any investigation or any official request for an investigation from that agency,” Daly said.
Blanchard admits he hasn't put in a request in writing. But he also cites discussions he's had with Alvarez staffers, including chief of staff Dan Kirk, who told him that since the State's Attorneys office is technically a branch of the state government, it's out of his jurisdiction. Daly noted that the State's Attorney's office is cooperating with the ongoing investigation into the Koschman case from Chicago Inspector General Joseph Ferguson.
Questions remain as to how the file for the Koschman case, in which David Koschman was killed by a punch thrown by Daley relative Richerd "R.J." Vanecko seven years ago, disappeared from the State's Attorney's office when it was headed by Alvarez's former boss and mentor, Dick Devine. Alvarez requested the Illinois State Police investigate the Chicago Police Department's handling of the case in March, in what was seen largely as a CYA move. The State Police later refused to take up the case.