Midday News Links
By Staff in News on May 10, 2011 5:40PM
- Firefighters responded to a small fire at the Water Tower this morning. [Sun-Times]
- Canadian Dmitry Smirnov, accused of using GPS to stalk and murder Jitka Vesel of Oak Brook, pleaded no guilty to the charges against him. [NBC Chicago]
- Deputy Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Bobby Richardson, the man in charge of Streets and San's Snow Command, gets a slap on the wrist instead of the firing recommended by city Inspector General Joe Ferguson. [Sun-Times]
- "Honeybee Killer" Gary Amaya was driven to his actions by bad financial straits. [Tribune]
- The Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board could decide the fate of Oak Forest Hospital. [CBS Chicago]
- A 4-year-old in Tinley Park was killed when she was struck by a car while running into the street to retrieve a ball. [NBC Chicago]
- Illinois ranks second in the nation in dog bite claims. [Chicago Breaking News]
- Newly slim Jennifer Hudson returns home to promote healthy living and weight loss as part of her spokesperson gig for Weight Watchers. [ABC7]