Pencil This In
By Staff in Arts & Entertainment on May 26, 2011 5:20PM
Interactive Theater
Adventure! is the action game show where you are the hero. The audience participates in the story by participating in various challenges: tests of skill, speed and cleverness that determine the course of the story. "Episode One: March of the Robots" features Andy North, Keith Hand, Kevin Gerrity, Alex Peters, Bess Miller and Jordan Poast as they and the audience pilot aircraft through treacherous terrain, blast their way through robot-controlled territory, protect citizens from relentless robot hordes, and trying to find the source of the robot army and its mysterious leader. (Links Hall, 3435 N. Sheffield, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets available here.)
Chicago Craft Beer Week Continues
Maria's Community Bar and Packaged Goods is hosting an evening with UINTA Brewery of Utah starting at 8 p.m.UINTA's Steve Kuftinec will be in attendance and they'll be pouring several of UINTA's Crooked Line beers on tap. (961 W. 31st St.)
If you have an event for inclusion in "Pencil This In," please contact Tankboy (for A&E-related listings), Anthony (for tastings, dinners and food and drink-related events) or tips[at]chicagoist[dot]com.