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Smokestack Protestors Charged With Felony

By Chuck Sudo in News on May 26, 2011 2:00PM

Image Credit: Greenpeace

Those Greenpeace activists who climbed the smokestack at the Fisk Electric generating plant in Pilsen a couple days back are getting the bonus plan. Julie Faarris, John Rosenwinkel, Cy Wagoner, Benjamin Smith, Gabriel Gerow, Kelly Mitchell, Kathryn Ogden and John Watterberg have all been charged with criminal damage to property, a felony, for painting "QUIT COAL" on the smokestack. the eight have also been charged with misdemeanor criminal trespass.

Meanwhile, our own Josh Mogerman noted that crews were already sandblasting the activists' paint job from the smokestack as of last night. Nice to see that the plant's owners are quicker to clean the plants smokestack, rather than the smoke that it emits.