American Home Brewers Association Releases List of Best American Beers
By Anthony Todd in Food on Jul 1, 2011 6:30PM
Yesterday, the American Home Brewers Association listed the 50 best beers in America. Everyone loves a list, so of course we started looking for our hometown favorites. This was not a list of only craft beers (according to the site, "The only rule is that the beer has to be commercially available somewhere in the United States") and the poll considered 1306 different brews. It's a reader-driven poll, so feel free to argue with it.
Chicago didn't do THAT well, with Goose Island's Bourbon County Stout coming in #13. But our close-neighbor favorites rocked the list. Bell's Two Hearted Ale was #2, Grate Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter tied for #14 and Three Floyds showed up tied with itself at #29 and again at #34.
Check out the whole list, and prepare to argue around the water cooler.