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Midday News Links

By Staff in News on Jul 15, 2011 5:40PM

Heriberto Viramontes

  • A Cook County Jail guard is accused of helping to smuggle marijuana in the jail to Heriberto Viramontes, the man awaiting trial in the battery of Natasha McShane. [Sun-Times]

  • Allstate, in response to the number of claims its paying out as a result of severe Midwestern storms, is raising its insurance rates in Illinois anywhere from 2.5 to 9 percent. [Crain's]

  • Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. hires local PR firm Edelman to deal with its phone hacking scandal. [PR Week]

  • The number of ComEd customers still without power from Monday's storm now stands at 36,000. [Sun-Times]

  • Jenna Jameson and the owner of a movie theater could be close to settling their dispute over her skipping an appearance. [CBS Chicago]

  • Garry McCarthy will officially be sworn in as Police Superintendent Monday afternoon. [ABC 7]

  • Mike North and WIND-AM will begin an arrangement where North provides five-minute news clips for the radio stations website. [Crain's]