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By Chuck Sudo in News on Jul 19, 2011 10:00PM

  • Why don't Illinois Secretary of State facilities take VISA? [WBEZ]
  • Eugene Riley, one of the five convicted in the beating death of Derrion Albert, is sentenced to 32 years in prison. [NBC Chicago]
  • A watermelon truck wound up on its side in an accident on I-65 near Gary, IN. [CBS Chicago]
  • Gapers Block's Ramsin Canon questions a recent editorial by Chicago News Co-Op's James Warren praising Mayor Emanuel's media savvy. [Gapers Block]
  • Now on ebay, a 1970 photo of Uptown youth chasing away the boredom by engaging in a knife fight. [ebay, h/t Whet]
  • The Chicago Yacht Club will investigate the capsizing that lead to the deaths of two sailors during the Race to Mackinac. [ESPN Chicago]
  • Mayor Emanuel's Deputy Mayor to labor unions: "There's a new sheriff in town." [Chicago News Cooperative]