Quinn Signed Budget to Keep State GOP Away from Negotiations
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jul 26, 2011 4:20PM
Gov. Quinn Speaks. Chuck Sudo/Chicagoist
While the nation watches impotently (until next year's elections) as Democrats and Republicans in Washington can't work together, here in the Land of Lincoln Democrats just freeze out the GOP. Gov. Pat Quinn admitted yesterday that he signed a state budget with serious funding shortfalls for state agencies because he wanted to protect them from further cuts if Republicans were allowed to the negotiating table.
Sayeth Quinn:
“There are members of the General Assembly on the other side (who) would have had severe and radical cuts to education, and to human services and healthcare and public safety. And I did not want that crowd to have an opportunity to enact that kind of budget that would have been hurtful to our state.”
Springfield GOP leaders are understandably pissed. Patty Schuh, spokeswoman for State Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno, said “Had Republicans had the opportunity to come to the budget table, we might have accomplished a great deal more in the way of spending cuts and significant reforms that would have changed the trajectory of the state of Illinois.”
Of course, Quinn is now arguing that the same budget he signed into law is justification for rescinding promised pay raises to labor. The Illinois GOP also had little say in the recent redistricting legislation and have taken their case to court. If the GOP manages to wrest control of the State Legislature next year, don't think they won't exact some "eye for an eye" retribution.