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Extra Extra

By Chuck Sudo in News on Jul 29, 2011 10:00PM

  • Clinton Walls, Sr., leader of legendary local band the Sundowners, passed away at age 80. [Sun-Times]
  • Whet Moser uses Walls' passing to recommend his favorite alt country tracks. [Chicago Mag]
  • Police chase a shooter suspected of killing a man and injuring a woman in Chatham. [Sun-Times]
  • Funerals were held today for two girls who were electrocuted in a Monsanto cornfield earlier this week. [Chicago Breaking News]
  • Rep Randy Hultgren is expected to vote in favor of House Speaker John Boehner's debt reduction plan. [Chicago Breaking News]
  • The last ray of hope for Ted Widen to host Chicago SCENE's boat party went out. Party canceled for reals, this time. [Chicago SCENE Twitter]
  • The costs of keeping cool. [Progress Illinois]