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From the Vault of Art Shay: The Legend of Andy Borowitz

By Art Shay in News on Aug 17, 2011 4:00PM

Every fourth communication in these final days of life as we knew it is from a friend sending me something irreverently funny by somebody yclept Andy Borowitz. At the moment Andy's lapping poor Jon Stewart, because his face is pleasantly ugly and would only fall apart grimacing. Also someone has to succeed Mark Twain,etc. Andy notes that perfectly coiffed Rick Perry, in and out (head of steam inside, near-Blagojevichian hair out), only participated in the Tea Party suicide pact or whatever happened to those 17,105 farm folk in Ames, Iowa because they thought they were voting for Batman 3 or 4's successor. Borowitz is, don't you know, strangely in favor of Perry's plan for universal hair care regardless of sex.

"Get a bang outta Perry...?"

So I dispatched my research squad in all different directions to find out why Andy called Emily Dickinson "a jerk" and why he thinks poor Michele Bachmann is preparing America for The Rapture- "No Christian left behind" or "No Christians left behind left behind, one. " Having already worked with Woody Allen, Wallace Shawn and David Sedaris, he should know what he's prevaricating about, especially since he studied playwriting at Harvard with an old acquaintance of mine from Brooklyn College who wrote plays about goats.

This was 15 years before Borowitz was born.

But it doesn't matter if your time has come.

If you can't wait until this time every Wednesday to get your Art Shay fix, please check out the photographer's blog, which is updated regularly. Art Shay's book, Nelson Algren's Chicago, is also available at Amazon.