Dozens of Dead Waterfowl Raise Questions
By Samantha Abernethy in News on Aug 19, 2011 3:20PM
28 waterfowl have been found dead across Chicago since Tuesday. Although at first it was suspected they were poisoned, fowl foul play is not suspected. It could be weeks before the cause of death is determined.
“More likely than not, it’s some kind of common disease event,” said Rod Domazlicky, a biologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. “Until we get the tests back, any speculation about poisoning without evidence is just that: speculation.”
Park District officials recommend keeping pets away from ponds and the grassy areas around them. Also, do not fish in any Chicago parks' ponds. At least eighteen dead birds have been found at McKinley Park on the Southwest side, and others came from near Adams Park near 3100 South Ashland.